A worker is working for money; a leader is living for the future.
A worker is monetary in his thinking, utterance and action but a leader is futuristic in approach.
A worker is thinking of what to consume, a leader is thinking of what to contribute.
A worker is shortsighted; a leader is a long ranger.
A worker is thinking and working for prosperity, but a leader is living for posterity.
David lived for posterity, his name refused to die on like Solomon; he became a reference.
Always think of the implications of your utterances and actions.
Leadership is about position or status.
Some have a lowly status but are leaders in character while some have high status but are slaves in nature and lifestyle. Ecclesiastes 10:16-17.
Leadership is not about attitude, character, nature and disposition.
Joseph was a slave by status but was a leader by attitude.
Be a worker with your hand but a leader in your heart.