Leadership is not a position to assume. It is a call to duty.
It is about accepting responsibility.
I have never aspired to lead. As a matter of fact, I have never thought or dreamt nor even seem to have traits of a leader. I even detest and shy away from being one.
But one thing I can’t deny is that I have found myself practicing leadership.
Leadership is not what you aspire to become.
It is what you practice.
It is our practice that leads us to our place in destiny.
Leadership is a natural sequence to your set of practices.
What you practice is what qualifies or disqualifies you for leadership.
Those who care for people are the ones who will lead people.
The people you serve are the ones that will follow you.
Leadership is not what you aspire for; it is what you grow into.
Only those who grow into it stay in it and last in it, and the way to grow into it is to accept responsibility for it.
If what others are doing is all you are doing, then you cannot be the one to lead them.
A leader naturally emerges when you find someone going an extra mile, taking a step ahead, giving when others withhold, praying when others are asleep, studying when others are snoring, advancing when others are retarding and withdrawing.
If you find yourself doing beyond what others are doing without effort, then you are a leader in the making.