Beware of camouflage. Never be carried away by your rating among men.
Who are you in the secret?
Never, ever use a mask.
Who rates you in the open is not as important as God who approves you in the secret.
Don’t trade God’s approval for human applause.
God always assesses man by his secret life and not the public.
“And God who sees in the secret Himself shall reward you in the open.”– Matt. 6.4, 6, 18.
Moses was chosen and approved in the secret.
So also, was David.
God looks into the heart while men are busy seeing the face.
God sees our hearts before our face appears before Him.
Always strive to be the same you, whether in public or in the secret.
Never do in secret what you will be ashamed to identify with in the open.
Beware, don’t sell out your integrity to public identity and image.