Good conscience is more valuable than Good conduct.
You may have a selfish interest to conduct yourself well before people, but your conscience points you to God and judge you right or wrong. Act.23:1; 1 Tim.1:5,19; Heb.13:18; 1 Pet.3:16,21
You may look good but is your conscience bearing you witness?
What your conscience is saying to you matters more than what people are saying.
What is within you is more important than what is around you.
Never seek to please people at the expense of your conscience.
Don’t be people-conscious and destroy your conscience in the process.
Don’t let your conscience torture you while others are praising you.
Refuse to take commendation of men at the expense of your conscience.
I will rather sink with good conscience than rise with human applause.
Let your conscience bear you witness to everything you do.
Be at peace with your conscious to be at peace in all areas of life.