The true and full value of en-gracement is embracement.
If people don’t embrace you, you have not really proved that God en-graced you.
Serving people with the grace upon your life, the only way to prove its value.
You may be appointed like King Saul and not be accepted by them if you do not serve them.
It was God who appointed Saul.
By the anointing through the hand of Samuel, but he was not accepted by them.
Rather David was accepted and celebrated by the people because he served them – 2 Samuel 3:2-4.
Serving people creates a platform to express the grace of God towards them.
Multitudes accept Jesus because he served them.
Not all that are ordained are retained.
Your retainership is largely determined by the service you rendered to people.
You are raised from nowhere by grace but will be rated by your fruitful service.
Men who were raised by God soon get erased the moment they cease to respond to the purpose of their being raised which is to serve others.