Every time God gives a special task to man, He makes available special skills to deliver.
You cannot deliver your task without relevant skills.
It is not enough to know your task. You must hunt for the required skills.
Haunt for it in prayer to God like Solomon did – 1 Ki.3:5-13
Acquire it by seeking counsel of others. Prov.15:22; 20:18; II Chr.32:3
Employ the skills of specialists – 1 KI.5:1-12;1 Ki.7:13,40,45; 9:11,12,14,27; 10:11,22
You can as well look inward in deep reasoning to fetch the deposits of gifting within you. Prov.20:5; Eccl.1:13,16
When you are confronted with an assignment bigger than you, drag it into a larger sphere of men who can help profer solution to it.
By that you will find help and gain speed of accomplishment.