Nothing sustains intercession like revelation. Hos.14:2
Word content in prayer is what determines strength of prayer.
Word content also sustains length of prayer – you never get tired praying the word.
Angels comes for our words not our noise or cry in prayer. Dan.10:12
God’s word is wood that we cast into prayer fire so as to sustain its burning. Mic.6:9; 7:14; Hag.1:8; Lev.6:12,13
Just as fire comes up with new wood cast into it so also is prayer with injection of fresh revelation.
Men of the word are never prayer wearied.
Effectuality in prayer is a function of one’s effectiveness in the use of scriptures.
The skillful application of scriptures is what makes prayer useful.
Our cry will at best attract attention and sympathy; it is our words that obtains result.
The word enriches our prayer time.
What God responded to was word loaded prayer of Hezekiah not His cry. Is.38:1-5